Business Case Studies,Corporate Governance & Business Ethics Case Study, Flour Corp's Business Ethics Practices: Creating Six Sigma Standards in Staying Corruption-Free

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Flour Corp's Business Ethics Practices: Creating Six Sigma Standards in Staying Corruption-Free

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Fluor Corporation: Corruption Floored? Cont....

Fluor Corp. introduced a new code of ethics, 'The Code' that included inputs from employees and also concentrated on Fluor Corp.'s core values - integrity, safety, teamwork and excellence. 'The Code' serves as Fluor Corp.'s centre piece of commitment to keep business integrity. Though 'The Code' does not cover every possible situation and all the areas of operations, it provides the right questions to ask, the right experts to consult and the right way to make decisions.21At least it establishes a few vital and vigorous touch points. With the help of the ethical decision making framework and by providing the resources to seek guidance and report suspected misconduct, Fluor Corp. provides an environment to avoid any kind of corruption in the organisation. Fluor Corp.’s code of ethics, 'The Code', listed in the world's best 10 codes of ethics,22 is a clear guideline and effective tool for the employees to keep corruption at bay. To make it easy for the employees to understand, 'The Code' is made available in three languages; English, Spanish and Polish. Place the exhibit here.

As training is the most critical component in the success of an ethics and compliance programme, Fluor Corp. provides a variety of training programmes to ensure that the employees understand and follow the company's rigorous ethical standards. Live, interactive programmes are also widely used methods in training employees to do the business ethically. The training includes anti-corruption training for marketing and sales, field operations, procurement, sub-contractors and legal personnel; fair disclosure training for spokespersons and executive management and export control and antiboycott training for logistics and procurement personnel. Employees are also asked to review 'The Code' and certify their acceptance every year and this requires disclosure of any concern about the conflict of interests. An open door policy makes it easy for the employees to share their concern with supervisors and company leadership. Fluor Corp. employees, subcontractors, suppliers, clients and partners are always encouraged to call the ethics and compliance hotline in case of any concerns. In the Human Resource Policy too, Fluor Corp. has expressed its strict practices against corruption and bribery.

Fluor Corp.'s compliance and ethics hotline allows its employees, suppliers,

subcontractors, client and partners to call the toll free number and report any suspected misconduct or violation of 'The Code' in more than 150 language interpretations. It is available 24 hours a day and is run by an independent organisation. The hotline even allows the caller to remain anonymous if wished so. In 2008, the ethics hotline received 262 calls seeking advice, more than twice the number of calls received in 2005. Proper actions would be taken if the suspicion is proved right. Supervised by the Compliance and Ethics Committee (Ethics Committee), Fluor Corp. lets the caller know the results once the investigation is completed.

Fluor Corp.'s Ethics Committee comprises of senior management executives from cross- functional areas that enable the company to operate in accordance with the highest ethical business standards. A compliance and ethics council formed by this committee handles the responsibilities for investigating, reporting and recommending discipline, policies and procedures for ethics-related issues. In addition, a task force comprising subject experts and employees makes sure the business stays in the ethical track. Fluor Corp.'s Compliance and Ethics Programme is aimed at maintaining day-to-day ethics of the company . Being the head of Corporate Compliance, Hallgren is responsible for managing the comprehensive compliance and ethics programme, including 'The Code' and other corporate policies.

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21]"The Code",
22]"10 Best codes of Ethics and Business Conduct ",

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